Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Let them eat blossoms; and Jabba the Cardinal

This morning was just, meh. Few migrants, weather getting colder, and nothimg shocking to report. However, that doesn't mean there was not a whole lot of loveliness, and a chuckle or two to be found around Cape May Point.

If there are no birds, well why can't you eat flowers, or butterflies?

Beach Plums (Prunus maritimus) at Higbee's Beach

More Beach Plums at Higbee's Beach

close-up of Beach Plum blossoms
Henry's Elfin (Callophrys henrici) on Virginia Creeper

My left pinky finger to give a sense of scale. Blurry, but the you get the idea. That is one chilly Elfin to allow such an approach.

And the dunes have a dusting of lavender. Though I must admit, whenever I see it, I think of the nasty member of the Owsla at Sandleford Warren of the same name, who stole Fiver's cowslips. Pity, because it is a sweet little flower. And, it's purple.

Toadflax patches in at South Cape May

Banks of Toadflax

close-up of Toadflax flowers

And this Cardinal simply would not move this morning. I think his suspensors were stalled and the pleasure barge was in the shop. He clearly only spoke Huttese as a show of respect to his kind.

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